Guerra sinalética nos termos de Baudrillard: insurreição pelos signos



How to make war? This is the essential question of text developed here regarding Baudrillard's political thought, especially from work entitled Symbolic Exchange and Death (L’échange symbolique et la mort, 1976). An introductory answer posed above indicates that wars, in current times, surpass principle reality through use simulations, which construction a hyper-real era. The capital its signs are detached world representation this change within system directly affects work, spreads itself society after losing factory character. Since 1970s, Baudrillard has announced way war politically become volatile so widely conflicts need be directed against signaletic capital. In meaning, purpose discuss exemplify insurgency modes guided by simulations dispersion signs.

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عنوان ژورنال: Aufklärung: journal of philosophy

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2318-9428', '2358-8470']